Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It would seem that without knowing it most of the population of this planet are addicted to one thing or another or alternately dependent on something which in my opinion, is addiction.
Oh no, do not be offended, I am not saying that you are all weak and pitiful, that you are easily led sheeple mutely wandering around the big paddock of existence. Well, actually I am and I make no apology for it!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. If I wasn't so fantastic at being an evil overlord and thus completely devoid of sympathy or care then I would...er.....be.

That didn't quite come out the way I had hoped, that is the trouble when you do these things on the fly.

Anyway, why are humans so easily addicted to things? Drugs, alcohol, expensive lifestyles, cheese....... Oh yes i know some of you are.

I cannot understand it. I am guessing that since I do not actually need to consume anything it makes it easier for me to refrain from addiction, I am powered by my fluff and my undending malice and hatred of all things. Solar power is nothing compared to this unending fuel source.

In absolute truth, and I do like absolutes, I am glad that you are all pathetic mewling cretins as it makes your subjagation so much more easy. There is nothing you can do to stop me brainwashing you all. Whether it be through bribes of chocolate, coffee, high end fashion shoes, V8 commodores or dolmades made by an old greek woman from a secret recipe everyone has their weakness that I will explot! bwha ha ha!

You will be my minions yet, don't you forget it.

I'm going now, if I don't watch Dr.Phil while eating cabbage rolls I go nuts.

Your Emperor
