Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I am sure you are aware, not all are fit to lead. Only a very few individuals have the required charisma, intelligence and ruthlessness to successfully lead the population of snivelling turds that surrounds us.

It should come as no surprise that I, Vorgal am fit to lead.

You may ask the question why am I telling you this? What goal is accomplished by telling us the blinding obvious truth, that Vorgal is the rightful supreme commander of everything?

Because sometimes you decide to hold something you call an election, without my consent I might add. In this election you choose what leader you want.

What a quaint notion, actually having a choice.

The only choice is Vorgal and there fore there is no choice, choice is irrelevent because there is only one candidate.

And He knows that he is the only one fit to lead you.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone else were in charge.

"Hmm okay, now we need to do something, err, I'm not sure what so let's have a meeting and talk about it."

GAh! Pointless discussion that could be spent making the buildings I desire to be built, hours spent in chit chat when stone must be quarried and poems describing my greatness need to be penned.

You have a role peons, that role is to serve me, if you do not like it. Bad luck because I Vorgal, elect myself in an electorate of one to be the Democratically voted Supreme Leader for Life!

Fetch me my fluff comb peasants.

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